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Should I go for a Limited Company or Sole Proprietorship?

Are you looking to start your own business? Irrespective of which industry you are choosing to go into, you need to select the type of company you’d want to work as. You have two options when it comes to that: you can either go for self-employment or a set up your...

What is a small business and what kind of accounts should we be preparing for them?

What this blog is about, in a nutshell: I’ll be kicking off this blog by defining exactly what a small business is (because, let’s face it, it’s pretty ambiguous!) once we work out exactly how you define a small business, we can start looking at the kind of accounts...

What are the legal requirements for a website?

Legal requirements? For a website? Really? Yes, really. Included in the minefield of stuff you need to know who starting a business (just to make life harder) are the legal requirements you should be considering when creating content for your site. Not to worry, this...
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